
What Conditions Can Cold Laser Therapy Treat in Pets?

Noninvasive cold laser therapy has become popular as a drug-free treatment option for various health conditions in humans and animals. Utilizing low-level lasers to stimulate healing and reduce pain, cold laser therapy shows progressive results in treating several conditions in pets. It is vital to explore the conditions it treats in pets.



Arthritis and Joint Disorders



Arthritis is a joint disease that affects older pets. It causes pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Cold laser therapy can treat arthritis in pets by targeting the inflamed joints. Low-level laser energy stimulates cellular activity, promoting blood flow to the body. 


This promotes the production of collagen and healing factors that help repair damaged cartilage and reduce inflammation. As a result, pets experience reduced pain and improved joint function. Cold laser therapy can benefit pets who cannot tolerate traditional anti-inflammatory medications. It is also ideal for those with systemic conditions that restrict medication usage.



Wound Healing and Postsurgical Recovery 



Wounded pets or those coming from surgical procedures need proper healing and recovery. Cold laser therapy can speed up the healing process by improving blood flow and promoting the formation of blood vessels and healthy tissues.


The laser energy enhances cellular metabolism. It activates the natural healing mechanisms of the body, leading to faster wound closure and reduced scar tissue formation. 


Cold laser therapy helps in the following ways:


  • Reduce pain

  • Reduce swelling

  • Enhance the healing response


The noninvasive treatment modality can work as a standalone therapy. It can also work as a complementary approach alongside other postoperative care measures.



Skin Conditions 



Pets can develop different skin conditions like hot spots, allergic reactions, and infections. Cold laser therapy can address these dermatological issues by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue regeneration. The laser’s energy penetrates deep into the skin layers, stimulating cellular activity and accelerating the healing process. 


Cold laser therapy has a calming effect on itchiness. It reduces the need for pets to scratch or bite affected areas. The gentle and painless treatment option makes it suitable for sensitive areas like the ears or paws.



Muscle and Ligament Injuries 


Active and athletic pets are prone to muscle and ligament sprains. Cold laser therapy can aid in the healing of these injuries. It promotes blood flow to the body, reducing swelling and accelerating tissue repair. 


The laser energy stimulates the release of endorphins, natural painkillers that provide pain relief for the pet. The therapy helps promote the motion range in the affected muscles and ligaments. It allows pets to regain their mobility and cut the risk of future complications.



Dental Conditions 



Periodontal disease and oral infections can cause significant discomfort in pets. Cold laser therapy can work as a complementary treatment alongside conventional dental care. It can reduce inflammation and pain. The laser’s antibacterial properties combat oral infections and improve oral health.



Neurological Disorders 


Pets suffering from neurological conditions can enjoy cold laser therapy. The therapy aids in reducing inflammation, improving nerve function and promoting tissue regeneration. It can help ease pain and restore mobility in pets affected by these conditions, enhancing their quality of life.



Chronic Pain Management 


Chronic pain can impact your pet’s well-being. Cold laser therapy offers a way to manage chronic pain. It stimulates the release of endorphins and reduces inflammation, providing long-lasting pain relief and improving the comfort and mobility of affected pets.


For more information on cold laser therapy for pets, visit Mokena Animal Clinic at our office in Mokena, Illinois. Call 708-479-2811 to book an appointment today.