
Senior Pet Suffering with Arthritis

Arthritis Pain Treatment for Pets in Mokena

Arthritis is one of the most common health concerns that afflict older pets. Mokena Animal Clinic offers an array of Mokena senior pet care treatment options for dogs, cats and other animals that suffer from this progressive, irreversible condition, which is most commonly associated with the normal wear and tear that goes along with aging. If you suspect that your pet is suffering from arthritis, we can help. Through medications, lifestyle changes and, in some cases, surgery, there are ways to manage your pet's pain so that they can lead a happy, healthy life well into their golden years.

About Pet Arthritis

Pet arthritis is similar to arthritis in people. Over time, ligaments and fibrous, elastic sheets in the joints begin to stretch, causing inflammation in surrounding tissues. This inflammation often causes new bone to develop where it shouldn't, creating a vicious cycle. Dogs and other animals don't usually show signs of suffering until their arthritis is quite advanced. A few common signs of arthritis include a reluctance to move around, including jumping up onto things that they previously did; stiffness; limping; and swollen joints.

Treatment Options

To treat pet arthritis, veterinarians usually begin by suggesting some lifestyle changes. These may include a new diet to lose weight, as excessive weight can exacerbate the symptoms of arthritis. The veterinarian may also recommend a new exercise routine or even physical therapy. Medications may be prescribed, including opioids like tramadol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, and joint medication supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin. Surgical options include arthroscopic and open surgical joint replacement, joint repair and joint fusion.

Visit Us for Mokena Senior Pet Care for Arthritic Dogs and Cats

If your dog, cat or other pet is suffering from arthritis--or you suspect that they do--don't wait. Remember, pets can't express their pain as effectively as people; they rely on their owners to get them the help that they need. Mokena Animal Clinic is equipped to help alleviate the symptoms of your pet's arthritis. Together, we will help you pet achieve a pain-free life. To schedule an appointment, call 708-479-2811 today.